Does it ever feel just too much…?

It did for me this week. On Wednesday to be exact - the irony that that is the day I send my cheer you on “winning at Wednesdays” newsletter was not lost on me.

I was already fully booked for the week - I had two spaces for “downtime” and I didn’t want to move them, but I felt like I had to. Because more work came in.

Woe is me? Maybe.

Tuesday night had been a good sleep - until 4.45am when my kids both came in awake.

“Mum I can’t sleep”
“Aim for rest then lovely.”
“Mum can I play on the kindle?”
“No, come on let’s just rest.”

But we were awake. So we got up. Wednesday was going to be a struggle.

Then I was asked to attend a meeting out of the blue which I said yes to, which led to more work. Pretty great for me, but still - MORE?!

I spoke to my business coach who supported me and allowed me to feel tired, and I yawned. A LOT. And I talked through my massive to do list. I have 5 hours each day to work while the girls are in school - evenings are for time with my husband and 5am starts are not going to work for me. So I have 5 hours to work. Which isn’t loads of time. And I felt the overwhelm so we talked it through and I remembered the importance of rest.

So I took a nap. At 1pm on a Wednesday afternoon I went to bed and slept for over an hour.

You see, rest seems unproductive, but it’s not. It helps us with creativity, energy, ideas, motivation and it feels damn good!

Sharing this is pretty vulnerable, because I tell people all the time to rest, take it slow, breathe, take that break - PUT YOURSELF FIRST MORE.

And sometimes I need that reminder myself.

Here’s to early nights and naps!

See you next time… L xx

(If you want the name of my coach - It’s Becky and she can be found HERE)


When the juggle gets extra.


Putting me First: Part Four