Ideas From Isolation

How do you even begin to explain the events unfolding around us? 1000’s are dying from a virus and we can’t stop it. We can do everything in our powers to slow it, but so many aren’t adhering to the guidelines.

Triggering. This whole thing can be hugely triggering for some people. As we settle into “the new normal” our minds are whirring and we don’t know what to do, because this is new.

We have never had this before.

What triggers could you be experiencing - lack of contact from people could trigger negative thinking distortions. We could be catastrophising ideas around our relationships with others. We could be jumping to conclusions that people are keeping away because we have done something wrong. We could be thinking in should - I should be doing more with my family at home, I should not have bought so much toilet roll, I should be volunteering my time to help others. We could be drowning in emotional reasoning - for example - “I feel bored and lazy” therefore believing they ARE boring and lazy.

We can compare our time in isolation to others we see online. For some this is a time to be creative and shine. For others this is a hard time of being alone and feeling like we don’t have much in the way of support. For those living alone, these are intense times. For those of us who don’t get to see elderly relatives, this is a hugely stressful time full of “what if’s”.

So, what can we do? I find structure and routine to a day can help. Making sure we do one of the following a day

Human connection - video call, voice notes, texts, emails. Whatever it is that gets you feeling like you have connected with someone.
Exercise - in your garden if possible, if not, go to a room where nobody else is and do some Youtube work outs, or even just put on your favourite music and dance like nobody is watching!
Creativity - do something that flexes your creative self. Paint, draw, write, sing. These may be things you don’t do, but they can really bring out your inner child - which always feels good and carefree.
Self care - if you live in a busy house maybe find some silence. If you need to read, take a bath, or even do some meditations then do that. Writing can be a brilliant form of self care, write a journal or write a note to someone.
Brain challenge - Do something that challenges your brain. A jigsaw, a puzzle, an online quiz. Do something that challenges your grey matter.

Now is not the time to compare with others. We are all doing our best to make this time fit our families. Whatever that looks like for you, it’s right.

BE KIND TO YOURSELF. I can’t say that loud enough.





I am doing free relaxation sessions on Instagram LIVE every evening at 8pm. And I am starting online classes next week - all the info can be found here.
My emails and DM’s are always open if you need a chat. Stay safe and I hope you are well.


Strange Times, With a dash of Anxiety.


Being Kind