Why internalised capitalism is ruining your rest time.
So, intersnalised capitalism is something that we talk about a lot, but I want to break it down and really dive in…
Internalised capitalism is the belief that your self worth is all dependent on your achievements and your productivity. You also believe that self love is conditional.
Pretty big stuff - but living in the Western world it is VERY normal to experience. What does it look like?
Neglecting your health over working and doing.
Believing that “hard work” brings happiness.
Feeling guilt when you want to rest.
Setting goals around rest - making a measurable goal when you rest.
If this rings true to you I want you to know there is a way out of it - if you want to break free.
But what is so wrong with living this way? It can often lead to feeling unhappy, because we live in such strict measures. Neglecting health is never a good thing and happiness should be found in many aspects of life, not just hard work. Rest should never lead to guilty feelings, and rest should not be something you can make into a measurable goal. All of these things can lead to anxiety and stress.
The first step is realising that you experience this, and that you don’t want to - then you can look at changing it. Noticing this is the first step.
Once we have noticed this is how we are, then we can set about challenging them and asking ourselves what other options there are available.
Once we can start freeing ourselves from internalised capitalism we can see where our true joy and find real happiness in things, and we can value rest for rest sake.
I want you to realise that rest is for you, your health, your joy. Rest is not to make yourself happy to serve OTHERS, it’s not so that you can pour from a full cup - rest is for YOU, because it makes you happy and is good for YOU.
What are your thoughts? Let me know!