My Overwhelming Week.

My overwhelming week (and the power of the mind).

I was driving around early this past week and I thought about how overwhelmed I felt about life. The kids being back in school hit me hard, and I couldn’t see past the fear of the mountain of things I needed to be doing.
So, I froze.

I spent hours staring into space, or into my phone, or onto Facebook, or at the fire. I didn’t DO anything because I was so rooted. Procrastination?

No, I was frozen in Fight-Flight-Freeze.

I am sharing this with you now I am healed, from the scar not the wound. And I am sharing this with you because if I have been through it - chances are you will have too.

As I drove about I was so aware that this feeling was OF me - created by my mind to manage a situation I had perceived as “too hard”. And if I knew that, I could create another thought, another idea of how to manage it in ways that SERVED me rather than hurt me.

So, what did I do? I talked it through with my business support system, my group coaching and my individual business coaching professionals. I worked through the blocks of self doubt, and fear.

The most brilliant of realisations was that I loved the feeling of PRIDE. Pride after doing work that was bloody good work. I loved that feeling. That’s teh feeling I wanted to focus on and chase.

So, that’s what I started to do. I had to address the self doubt, and the blocks, and understand they were an old belief system, an old habit that no longer worked for me.

Once that was worked through - there was no stopping me!

Until next time, L xx


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