Pause With Purpose
My workshop tickets are live - usually businesses have a launch plan - but I really don’t. This is a slow trend coming through called the EVERGREEN launch model - I’m not one for jargon or business terms. I like things simple and easy to understand.
I wanted to give some background into the workshop - my WHY.
I’ve been supporting people with stress or anxiety for over 15 years now, and all of the issues come back to a lack of time (or a believe in a lack of time) for themselves. There is no time to rest, relax, focus, learn. And even when there is time, it gets filled by the mindless scroll or a Netflix series that’s just a bit okay.
I am so passionate about empowering you to really rest. It’s been something bubbling within me for years - guilt free rest.
Guilt free rest FOR YOU. Not so you can be a better employee/ spouse/ partner/ parent/ pet owner/ friend. But so you can feel good.
No if’s or buts.
I am slightly shocked that this is SUCH a radical idea - doing things just to feel good. Women feel this more because -
Actually I’m not going into that - if you want to learn more then come to the workshop! There are limited spaces and it won’t be recorded because we’re diving into things that will be personal and gorgeous and private. BUT I will run it again - the cost will go up though. This low ticket is a one time deal because this is brand new.
If you want to book on click on this link HERE.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.