Changing things up a little…
Hello and welcome!
You may be here because you clicked the link on my weekly newsletter, this is a more in depth article about the main topic in the newsletter.
Why here? Well, I wanted my newsletter to be a reminder to pause and reflect and then to give you an insight into the topic. I don’t want to overwhelm anyone’s inbox or make them feel like they have to read the WHOLE LONG EMAIL. That’s the opposite of the feeling I want you to get when you read the newsletter.
So here we dive deep, we go all in, and we really get to the bones of the issue.
So this week I want to talk about the phrase “a change is as good as a rest”, why I am calling BS on this.
As I mentioned - a change can be refreshing. A change gives you new energy and momentum in something.
A rest does that - a rest can be refreshing, it can give you new energy and momentum in something.
But a rest is more. So much more.
Let’s dive into the neuroscience of rest.
In our brain we have the Default Mode Network, in layman’s terms it’s a large scale brain network that is active even when we are in “rest” mode. When we daydream, when we sit still, when we are on public transport, when we drive to work on autopilot, when we have a shower - when we do all of these things we aren’t hyper focused or working, some of these things are a form of switching off, but out Default Mode Network is still functioning. So even when we still do nothing, our brains can feel very very tired.
How can we rest and switch our Default Mode Network off? Mindfulness. Mindfulness achieves brain rest. This can give is real rest, rest with purpose, and rest that gives our brain time off.
Now let’s dive into the psychology of rest - the human body always rebuilds and renews - rest is vital for survival, for life and for creativity.
Our body works well at high intensity for a short time, then a rest for a shirt time (HITT for example) - rest is needed to benefit from the movement. We need the work and learning, then we need the rest for that to sink in and for us to feel the benefit.
In order for us to learn and create more effectively, we need to stop treating ourselves like machines, we need to look at our biological clocks (when our body is telling us to rest), our biological intelligence and understand the importance of rest and play.
If you struggle to pause and rest, then my new workshop is JUST FOR YOU!
All the details are HERE.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Laura :)