How to STOP Overanalysing.

Hello lovely readers…

Last week we talked about the WHY behind over -analysing - today we’re focused on the HOW.

In the words of Carol Burnett - “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”

So, how can you change this habit (and it is a habit)? Let’s explore this today. Here are five ways to start stopping being an overthinker.

  1. Mindfulness.
    I know - crazy that I go on and on about mindfulness so much - because it works! Taking time to connect with yourself can help you work past your overanalysing. We can recognise our thoughts more, and allow ourselves to have those thoughts without becoming attached to them.

  2. Journaling.
    Writing it all out at the end of the has HUGE benefits - and it’s free! Having a mind dump at the end of the day, or at the beginning (or both) can really help you understand your thoughts more. You can burn, shred or tear up the pages after writing them out.

  3. Being kind to yourself.
    That’s right - stop being a dick to yourself. Allow yourself the privilege of making mistakes. Let yourself be human enough to make mistakes. And be okay with yourself for that.

  4. Being aware of your limiting core beliefs.
    We all have limiting beliefs at the core of our thoughts - mine? I’m worthless, I’m never good enough, and everyone can see that. This can limit me if I allow it to take over - how? Sometimes I stop living a full life because I think others will think negatively about me,

  5. Learning to trust.
    If we can put our trust in our thoughts, in our abilities, and our MINDS we can ease the overthinking. Trusting other is hard, but do you really trust your own thoughts and mind enough to learn to stop overthinking? Such a great thought to end on!

Let me know your thoughts, I love a natter and feedback! Have a good one,

Laura xx


I can’t, and I don’t do it alone.


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