Why I need to fail.
Heads up - I’m about to spill all levels of vulnerable in this post…
I am not great at failing - it hits me like a freight train and I can’t quite find an easy way to navigate the feelings.
This is pretty problematic for someone who runs their own business. Because in business, there are more fails then wins. Running your own business means the buck stops with you - and nobody else. And that is a huge weight. I take responsibility seriously - I over think responsibility, with my children, my dog, my finances and my business.
So, what do I do to navigate the feeling so I am neutral towards it? I’m not aiming for LOVING a fail, just being neutral around it.
How can I reframe “failing”?
It used to hurt when someone unsubscribed from my newsletter - I would question why they needed to leave? Why WOULDN’T someone want to have a weekly (now twice weekly) dose of personal development information and chatter in their inbox? The overall question I asked myself -
What have I done to make someone leave me?
There you see, it’s not about them - it’s about me. The perception of “fail” was one of someone choosing to leave me. And logic dictates they aren’t leaving me. They are choosing for an email NOT to be sent to their inbox. The reasons aren’t any of my business - my business is nurturing the people who DO choose to have my emails sent to them inbox.
And I can also work on where the feeling of being left comes from - and repair that part of me by focusing on what I DO have, rather than the situations, people and things that I don’t.
And how do we do that? By noticing what we have and being utterly grateful for it. I’m talking to an almost sycophantic degree - really practice being grateful and while you are so invested in what great people and experiences you have in your life - the ones you feel are “failures” won’t shout so loud.
Take care, L